Honóxease project
Our vision is to interconnect people from Europe and others parts of the world, who are interested in the Cheyenne language, culture, and history, in support of the Cheyenne people (Tsitsistas and Sutaio) to keep their language alive.
We believe Tsitsistas and Sutaio have the vested right to live and educate children in their own way and according to their own traditions. We offer them support in the struggle for fulfillment of it. The most endangered heritage is their native language hence we focus on supporting their efforts for revitalizing this unique, beautiful and very complex language. Tsitsistas and Sutaio consider it as a crucial part of their culture and we are convinced that tsėhésenėstsestȯtse (the Cheyenne language) is also of great value for the whole human family and which should be kept a part of our world's heritage.
There are many wise, educated, far-seeing people among Tsitsistas and Sutaio so we don't want to say what to do and how to do it. Nevertheless, we are convinced (along with many Tsitsistas and Sutaio) that something must be done! We offer a helping hand to active members of the Cheyenne community who are taking action themselves. May the dream come true that the Cheyenne children will be speaking their mother tongue for the next four, fourty four, or even the next four hundred and forty five generations!
Our project is fully nonprofit and independent. We have no commercial interests nor we are part of any political or religious institutions and movements.
JOIN US! We are addressing you as interested individuals, VIPs, specialists (teachers, linguists, journalists, fundraisers, etc.), institutions, and organizations to share your experiences and knowhows and to contribute by your special talent or gift to a good purpose.
- Support us and the Cheyenne projects with your name, your contacts, your influence, public relations, networking, etc.
- Support the Cheyenne projects with knowhow in project management.
- Support the Cheyenne projects with donations, funds, or grants.
- Support us and the Cheyenne projects in the media.
- Share your experience with bilingual education, teacher training, teaching material, or growing up and living bilingually.
- Share your knowhow with immersion schools and projects.
- Support the Cheyenne people and their culture with research.
- Support with a contribution of your own choice.
Your commitment is on a free base. You decide yourself on its content, its extent and its ending.